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Pastor’s Bible Study

Bible Study Join Us
If ever you have wanted to learn more about the Bible—not just as a document used to excuse bad behavior, but as an ancient, many-layered, sometimes beautiful, sometimes awful text made holy by centuries of the faithful who have found comfort, hope and inspiration in its pages, then the Pastor’s Bible Study is for you.

Bingo-ing, gardening and questioning

We are back! With HUGE thanks to adult advisors Debbie Fallehy and Niki Hicks, the youth group returned safely from their trip to Chicago (and for many of them, a trip to Indiana as well). It was an epic adventure, and we used just about every possible form of transportation. We flew there and took Amtrak home, had lots of public transit…

Taizé prayer

Taize Candles Small Image Taizé prayer, a form of meditation that is relatively new to MPC but draws on rich years of tradition elsewhere, now takes place monthly. Our next service is Wednesday, August 10th
at 7 PM.
In words attributed to St. Francis de Sales, “half an hour’s meditation daily is essential, except when one is very busy. Then a full hour is necessary.” Join us for some spiritual refreshment.

There is a lot to do, and the way is slow – but we don’t give up

Talitha’s Take: General Assembly   The 222nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) met two weeks ago in Portland. I wasn’t able to attend in person (as Ben was), but being a committed polity wonk, I followed in close detail on Twitter, facebook, and livestream video. I understand that many people consider such interest in the nitty-gritty of Presbyterian politics to…

The Language of Complicity

Dear friends, How are you doing? It’s a nasty world out there right now. We are coming up on Pride Weekend (at least, Pride as it is celebrated in SF, though other cities celebrate other weekends) and I can’t help but think how different it is from last year. Last year the Supreme Court had just gifted our nation with a historic…

Saving and Savoring

At John Hadsell’s memorial service, Jim McDonald (the president of my alma mater, San Francisco Theological Seminary) shared a quote from EB White which reminded him of how John lived his life. Here is the quote in its fullness: If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise…

Setting Aside Animosity

Rev. Ben discusses Luke 7:1 (the healing of the centurion’s slave), focusing on its call for us to set aside our differences, recognize our shared humanity, and pursue the greater good.

Safety in Awareness

This weekend many of us gathered for a Safe Church training. A friend of Ben’s, Jane Odell, led it and did a wonderful job presenting some quite unpleasant materials. We saw video testimonies of people who had been victims of abuse, as well as testimonies from ex-abusers, who explained how they used the safety and trust of a church to gain access…