Our church offers Godly Play for children in Kindergarten – Elementary School
Sunday mornings during Celebration
I wonder what you like best about this story…
I wonder what is the most important part of the story…
I wonder who you are in this story…
Godly Play guides children in using sacred story, parable, liturgical action, and silence to become more aware of the mystery of God’s presence in their lives and in the community of children gathered together. Godly Play supports children as they find their own place in the Great Story and discover their unique identity as a child of God.
Storytelling ‧ Wondering ‧ Active Response
Every Sunday a Biblical story is followed by a time of open, shared dialogue about the story among children and teachers. The storyteller guides the dialogue and there are wondering questions asked of the children. Such questions are always open-ended and allow children to participate in the reflective process without fear of right or wrong answers. Wondering together is the community’s way of remaining open to the Holy Spirit and allowing the story to become part of our lives.
The time of wondering is followed by a time of active response. Children choose from a variety of art materials such as watercolors, clay, marker pens, or colored pencils. They create their own response to the lesson. Some children prefer to hear another story or will take down a story from the shelves and work with it on their own.
Following their work times, the children return to the circle on the floor for a time of prayer and sharing the Feast (an indirect preparation for communion). Children leave the circle one at a time so that the storyteller has an opportunity to share personal words of affirmation and blessing.
The Godly Play method was developed by Dr. Jerome Berryman, a Montessori teacher and Episcopal priest. It is used by many churches in the United States and Canada.
What to expect on Sunday morning: Our Sunday Celebration (what we call our worship service) starts at 10am, and children who are not in Nursery begin Celebration with their family member(s). Children are present in the service with adults for the call to celebration, the opening hymn, and the prayer for peace. After the passing of the peace, a time with children is offered during the service and children are invited to come forward to the front pews. Following the time with children, at around 10:15am, children who are attending Godly Play leave the sanctuary with teachers to go to the Godly Play room in our attached Education Building.
On the first Sunday of the month, children return to the sanctuary in time to participate in communion with the adults. On a regular Sunday, children meet with family members in the courtyard after service at around 11:15am.
Our Godly Play Flier may answer more questions.