Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

MPC Home Page updates

In the past few weeks, in response to discussions at our Web Survey Follow-up meeting, we’ve been working on a big pile of site improvements…

Home page main statement/tagline:
One clear message from that meeting was that we should simplify the ‘big statement’ on the home page. Accordingly, we have…

  • shortened the main message considerably
  • removed links from the statement (except for Learn More) to make it easier to ‘take in’, while italicizing the key phrases to call attention to them

We’re still on the fence as to whether we should ask the MPC community for ideas on a new statement/tagline, or if we should wait for guidance from the Mission Study team. Opinions welcome!

To increase our ‘social media’ aspect, we have…

  • revamped the top nav to give the blogs their own category. This meant combining About Us and Where We Are, but that was a change that made sense anyway.
  • added icons directing folks to our YouTube and Flickr resources as well as our Facebook page (and reduced icon size to make the home page less ‘busy’)
  • started allowing comments on the Family Living blog, dipping our toes into true conversations with site visitors

To trim the amount of stuff on the Calendar Highlights section (and generally de-emphasize it on sub-pages), we have:

  • set up a system to prevent “private” events from showing up on the Calendar Highlights section on the home page. Some non-MPC events will still show up there if they reinforce the idea that we are community-friendly (such as Al-Anon) but generally we’ll be focusing more on MPC
  • begun work on moving the calendar to the bottom of the site home page and replacing it (on sub-pages) with a calendar icon that links to the overall Google Calendar

What’s next?
To give our site more of a personal voice — and to encourage folks to drop by — we’re adding a new “Why I go to MPC” section. And we need your help! The following note will be in the bulletin this coming Sunday:

Why MPC?  Please Share Your Story
The MPC Tech Team is looking for ‘Why I go to MPC’ stories/statements that can be added to the MPC website. Could you write one for us?  Your statement wouldn’t have to be long– 100 to 250 words only, please — and it could really help bring new people here on Sunday.  Is is the community?  The music?  The preaching?   Was there a special experience that keeps you coming back?  Just send your statement/story to . Questions?  Please contact Steve McKiernan at, or any member of the MPC Tech Team. Thanks for sharing!

You are heartily encouraged to submit your story.