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Web Survey Discussion Next Steps

We had a wonderful meeting with about 15 respondents to the Web Survey on Sunday, June 5th– lots of participation, careful thinking, great ideas. Linda took copious notes that the Tech Team will review at their next meeting; here’s a summary of the main points:

Action Items for the Tech Team

  1. make sure the website addresses our two main audiences very well: existing members and new members, most importantly young families.
  2. explore ways to make the website more useful to existing members (tools for committees? a more focused calendar?)
  3. develop a much more focused message for the home page. We didn’t love the visual design for Edgepoint Church, but boy, it sure is admirably direct and single-minded.
  4. once the message has been defined, figure out how to simplify the home page visually (this process lead to a revised design eventually– but the message focusing part necessarily comes first)
  5. improve our process for adding new photos to the site
  6. work out a strategy to make the site more of a social hub (by allowing comments on weblog postings, for example)
  7. keep lines of communication open with community members such as the attendees of this recent meeting

Keeping the Conversation Going

  1. we’ve created a Google Group to allow us to send messages to people who attended the meeting or otherwise indicated they’d like to be kept in the loop. We’d keep the messages to a minimum: notices of new blog postings, requests for feedback to specific proposals, etc. Of course, Group members could unsubscribe at will.  And of course we’d be happy to add more folks to the group at their request.
  2. we’ll keep updating this weblog with our progress on the action items above, posting ideas, links, questions, etc.