Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Celebration Worship Service, May 30th

From Rev. Ben –

I don’t know about you, but I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that this weekend’s online celebration is the last pre-recorded online celebration we plan on putting together here at Montclair Presbyterian Church (I say plan because the Coronavirus may have other plans, but I surely hope this is it). And speaking of things I’m unable to wrap my mind around, this week is Trinity Sunday when we contemplate the holy mystery of how God can be one God in three persons, three divine persons who are one God. I hope you will join us in this final online celebration.

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View May 30th Celebration online

  • Marcia will provide a prelude,
  • I will welcome folks to our final prerecorded online celebration,
  • The Santos family will lead us in a call to celebration written by Hildegard Von Bingen,
  • The opening hymn is “Holy, Holy, Holy,”
  • Stephen Warren will lead us in a prayer for peace,
  • Bill Neeley will read Colossians 2:2-5,
  • I will preach a sermon for Trinity Sunday,
  • Our special music offering will be “Consider,” a Christina Rossetti text set to music by Roland E. Martin,”
  • I will lead us in prayer using a liturgy from the Church of Scotland,
  • The closing Hymn is “Sing Glory to the Name of God,” and
  • I will lead us in a family life video.

Thank you for your faithful participation in the online celebrations during the COVID pandemic and thanks especially to Talitha, Kim, Marcia, Noël and to everyone who made videos over the last fifteen months. You are amazing.

In addition to the spiritual meaning of Pentecost, this also is the Sunday when Presbyterians collect the Pentecost Offering, which supports Presbyterian ministries with children and youth (more information below). I hope you will join me in being generous in supporting this good work.

Please stay tuned as we roll out our new way of gathering for worship. Starting June 6 we will be doing hybrid in person and online celebrations on Sunday mornings. This means that many of us will be able to join together for outdoor celebration in person, and those who cannot meet in person for whatever reason will still be able to join using a computer, tablet or smart phone. There are still details yet to be worked out (some of which will be dictated by Alameda County’s various rules about wearing masks and gathering), and we’ll do our very best to keep you posted.

The Charge (say together) Go out into the world in peace. Have courage; hold on to what is good. Return no one evil for evil. Strengthen the faint-hearted, support the weak, and help the suffering. Honor all people. Love and serve God, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.