Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Easter Celebration, April 4th

From Rev. Ben –

Happy Easter!

While I cannot say I’m happy that we’re having to celebrate Resurrection Sunday on YouTube for the second year in a row, I am glad that you can be a part of this joyful celebration by worshiping online. 

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View April 4th Easter Celebration online

  • MPC’s brass ensemble will play the theme from “Spring” by Antonio Vivaldi as a prelude,
  • Talitha will welcome us to Easter Celebration,
  • Deborah Brooks will lead us in a call to celebration,
  • The opening hymn is “Jesus Christ is Risen Today”,
  • Karen Ray Gibson will lead is in a prayer for peace,
  • Debbie Fallehy, the MPC Blesser of Birthdays, will lead us in a birthday blessing,
  • Talitha will tell a Godly Play story,
  • Bonnie Hamlin will read John 20:1-18,
  • I will preach an Easter Sermon,
  • Members of the MPC Choir will sing “Easter Affirmation”,
  • Talitha and Michael will lead us in a sung communion service ,
  • The closing hymn is “Christ is Alive”,
  • I will close the service with a family life video with announcements, invitations, and a benediction.

The Charge (say together) Go out into the world in peace. Have courage; hold on to what is good. Return no one evil for evil. Strengthen the faint-hearted, support the weak, and help the suffering. Honor all people. Love and serve God, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.