Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Celebration Worship Service, May 3rd

It is hard to imagine it, but this is our eighth online celebration, and while I cannot say I feel as if the process is getting easier, I can say that we’re getting better at making it happen. I appreciate all of your patience, support, and feedback along the way.  

You can submit comments and prayer requests via our Comments Form at . We’d love to hear from you!

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View May 3rd Celebration online

  • Marcia will bring us a prelude, “Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun” arr. Wilbur Held
  • Talitha will welcome us to celebration,
  • The Garner-Forbes family will lead us in a call to celebration that comes from the World Council of Churches,
  • Kim will lead us in the hymn “Let Us Break Bread Together On Our Knees”,
  • Gretchen Garlinghouse will lead us in a prayer for peace, using the poem “The Gardener” by Mary Oliver,
  • Debbie Fallehy will bring us birthday blessings for those born in the month of May, The lyrics to the Birthday Blessing are below,
  • Dolores Sigenthaler will lead us in a Godly Play story,
  • David Seigenthaler will read Luke 24:13-35,
  • Ben will preach a sermon, “God in ordinary places”
  • Talitha and Michael will lead us in the sacrament of communion, Make sure to prepare your table with bread and wine (or juice) or as close as you can get!
  • Kim will lead us in a closing hymn, “I Want Jesus to Walk With Me”, and
  • Ben will lead us in the charge and send us out with a benediction, in this closing video he also has an addendum to his sermon.

Birthday Blessing Lyrics:God bless and cherish you, be gracious unto you, shower you with favor and bestow the gift of peace 

The Charge (say together) Go out into the world in peace. Have courage; hold on to what is good. Return no one evil for evil. Strengthen the faint-hearted, support the weak, and help the suffering. Honor all people. Love and serve God, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Looking forward, at 11 AM on Sunday please join us for family hour on Zoom (please email Rev. Ben or email Rev. Talitha for the password) and on Wednesday at noon, please feel free to join the pastor’s Bible study on Zoom