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N! Y! C!: Youth Mission Trip 2018

Dear friends,

I’ve just landed back in the office after our youth mission trip and the accompanying recovery period of days off. What a trip it was! Fourteen youth went with me, Debbie Fallehy, and Jim Allardice. I’m still exhausted! In lieu of a written contact today, here are some pictures (worth a thousand words each, etc) that show some of the other side of the mission trip – the parts  that you might not have seen on our Instagram (  or in the great presentation the youth made on Sunday (

Here we are sweating in 90+ degree morning temperatures as we have our reflective walk through Riverside Park.

Look close: someone caught their first firefly ever

Writing “affirmations” in each person’s journal is an important part of every youth retreat and trip.


We watched the fireworks with a million of our closest friends, packed in like sardines on the highway facing the East River. On the bright side, now everyone’s had that experience and they’ll never have to do it again.

And our host church – Broadway Presbyterian – is experimenting with worship, and one cool thing was pushing the pews aside and making circles of chairs around the communion table. Communion in the round was great, and we were specifically invited to continue eating after the service was over!

And finally… a few of us may have made an impulse buy or two in the Village… don’t judge. We had fun.


Every Blessing,
