Dear Friends,
On Tuesday afternoon, just before I sat down to write my weekly column for Contact a group of MPC folks got together to look at the church calendar for the next year, and I have come away from that meeting with some good news and some bad news for the Montclair Presbyterian Church family.
I’ll start with the bad news: the calendar is amazingly full. This is a challenge because a lot of us have things we want to do at the same time, and no one could possibly attend every event, class, concert, training, or party that’s happening in the life of our congregation. A look at the calendar can feel a bit overwhelming.
Now for the good news: the calendar is amazingly full. Our congregation is full of life. We are bursting with energy. We growing so fast, the calendar feels like an old pair of Toughskins that no longer snap around the waist, which can feel uncomfortable, but the discomfort is a sign of growth, which, in turn, is a sign of health. As hard as it is to accommodate all the events our church members want on the calendar, it is a problem I love. From where I sit, the good of a full calendar far outweighs the bad.
Thank you for being an active church with a full calendar. I love the energy, creativity, and joy I feel in our congregation.