Two things happened last week, coincidentally creating that happy intersection which sparks your mind out of a a lazy lull. I read the lead article in the March 2016 issue of National Geographic, “Too Good to Waste – How “ugly” food can help feed the planet.” I was also invited, as a co-chair of HAWG, to meet the people at Oakland First Presbyterian Church who run their food ministry program. We learned how they have established arrangements with local stores and restaurants to obtain their leftover, unused food for people in their neighborhood of downtown Oakland. We shared what we are doing at the Fruitvale Food Pantry, the College Avenue Presbyterian Church Friday night meals and the St Mary’s shelter winter meals. Interestingly, Montclair Presbyterian Church began in 1926 as a satellite “Sunday School” in the hills for this “mother” church at 27th and Broadway. By 1930 we had become our own congregation. But it personally felt good to reconnect over something so much bigger that is finally getting the recognition it needs – food waste on a monumental scale. We hope to join First Pres on future dates to observe and help their ministry. In the meantime, read the tips in National Geographic “Reducing Waste: How you can help” on pp 52-53. And think about the logical extension – what is the opposite of ugly food? Do we really need to eat beautiful food?