Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.


“Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘n Roll” at the Oakland Art Museum? O yes! SUNDAY, MARCH 20th, Marge Nicholson & Jane Vander Veer will lead a docent tour with juicy California art and historical information. We will carpool from the church parking lot at 11:40. Then there will be lunch at 12:00 noon at the Museum Café. The Tour will be at 1 pm. Box lunches will be ready for those who pre-ordered and paid for them. (Or you can bring your own lunch or buy a la carte.) The museum entrance fee is $12.00, $9.00 for seniors, but we will have a number of guest passes available. If you are an Oakland Museum member, please bring any extra passes you have to share. Parking is $1/hr in the garage (validated) or free on the street on Sundays. Please RSVP to Jane Vander Veer if you can join this Art Gang excursion. 510-482-0505.