Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.


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Pastor’s Bible Study

Bible Study Join Us
If ever you have wanted to learn more about the Bible—not just as a document used to excuse bad behavior, but as an ancient, many-layered, sometimes beautiful, sometimes awful text made holy by centuries of the faithful who have found comfort, hope and inspiration in its pages, then the Pastor’s Bible Study is for you.

Taizé prayer

Taize Candles Small Image Taizé prayer, a form of meditation that is relatively new to MPC but draws on rich years of tradition elsewhere, now takes place monthly. Our next service is Wednesday, August 10th
at 7 PM.
In words attributed to St. Francis de Sales, “half an hour’s meditation daily is essential, except when one is very busy. Then a full hour is necessary.” Join us for some spiritual refreshment.

MPC Grief Group

Grief Group
Once a month we have a grief support group here at the church. Many of us have lost loved ones in the past year or more, and rather than keeping our grief to ourselves it is healthy to share it with others who can relate.